
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pansophia Indonesia for Children Education

"Did you know that school enrollment is less than 50%
in Indonesia?"

I had the honor to meet Elaine Marlene today, she is the PR and Operating Manager of Pansophia Indonesia — a non-profit organization which cause is to help under-privileged children's educations. I believe that good education is the foundation of quality living and everyone deserves a chance, but unfortunately many of us does not.

Like any other non-profit organizations, their source of life lies of the hand of the community's contributions to cover their daily expenses. Elaine expressed her ideas to collaborate and come up with something which can help support the organization — this interest us greatly. In this the stage we are still tossing around thoughts and ideas, we hope we will come up with something soon for this very good cause.

For more informations about Panshopia Indonesia, please visit their website.

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