
Friday, July 27, 2012

Sydney Girl meets L.A. Boy

Another green-themed wedding by Sopha & Co!

Ray and Lydiana met when Lydiana who lives in Sydney spent her vacation in Lost Angeles last year. Isn't this how love is? It's somewhat random and unexpected? When they decided to get married, they have decided to reside in L.A. This travel theme has than become the base for their invitation and through out their wedding.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Happy Fasting Month of Ramadhan

Sopha & Co. would like to say:
Happy Fasting Month of Ramadhan to all of our Muslim friends, may you be blessed in this Holy Month.

Make us part of your celebration. Our Lebaran cards are now in outlets near you: Times, Paperclip, Dapur Cokelat, Seven Grain, Love Tree, Manon, Etc. Or you can order directly from us to:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wedding Stationery for Kenny & Monica

These two love birds had their garden wedding in Pelataran Cilandak last week, and we were honored to be part of creating their wedding dream come true. Sopha & Co. created sets of wedding stationery for them, consisted of:
• invitation
• thank you card
• message card
• church program
• poster
• corsages (pin wheels)
• pin wheels (to be part of their decor)

We're always pleased to hear positive feedback from happy clients:
"SOPHA & Co. : a very cute invitation and very extraordinary corsage.
Ci Diana, you know we really love the result and the pinwheels are super cute."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Craft Lessons

We love creating many different kinds of crafts and Indonesia has a wealth of arts & craft to be studied. 
Here's a list of a variety of craft centers in Jakarta. Most have various classes to suit your schedule and expertise level. Try learning a new craft every weekend and preserve our culture.

Plaza Semanggi Lt. 2A No. 96-97
Telp: 021 32765432

Jl. Gading Indah Raya Blok C21
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 14240
Telp: 021 7168 1045/9298 3700

Telp: 021 7091 3833

Galeri Kollekan
Jl. Abdul Majid 15
Cipete Utara, Jakarta Selatan
Telp: 021 769 4543

Cross stitch / Knitting
Hobby Craft
Mall Kelapa Gading, MTA, Mall Puri Indah

Made With Love
Grand Indonesia

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Money Envelopes

One of Sopha & Co's Signature product is Money Envelopes or oftentimes called Angpao. Our designs are purposely made contemporary to be used for many purposes. We are rolling out 6 new designs and they will be available in store soon. If you would like to order them, visit our website or email us: